Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program

The MPNP – Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program chooses candidates for immigration to Manitoba depending on the specific economic needs of the province. The program aims to be responsive to the labor market needs of the province and its wider economic priorities. The prospective candidates are regularly communicated regarding these priorities through the list of Occupations In-Demand that is updated regularly.

The four broad immigration pathways under MPNP are: 

Manitoba PNP also approves of experimental visits from the candidates in the skilled worker immigration francophone pathway. It is aimed at assisting them to quickly integrate into the province upon arrival. 

What are the different immigration streams under Manitoba PNP?

Each of the broader Manitoba immigration pathways is briefly outlined below.

Skilled Worker in Manitoba Pathway

The Pathway SWM – Skilled Worker in Manitoba is based on the precise needs of employers in the province. It chooses workers trained overseas with the required skills and offers them a nomination for Canada PR Visa. This immigration pathway offers priority to candidates with a strong affinity to the Manitoba province and is further divided into 2 sub-categories: 

a) Pathway Manitoba Work Experience 

This category is for applicants who are working currently in Manitoba on a Provisional Work Visa. It includes provisional workers and overseas graduates from Post-secondary institutions in Canada. 

b) Pathway Employer Direct Recruitment 

This stream is for overseas applicants who have job offers from authorized employers in Manitoba. 

Skilled Worker Overseas Pathway

The SWO – Skilled Worker Overseas Immigration Pathway has a dedicated express Entry stream and a straight Provincial stream as well. It targets overseas skilled workers who are skilled and trained in highly demanded occupations in Manitoba. Applicants and spouses having close family connections are prioritized. The other priority factors include proficiency in language, training, and work experience for quickly finding jobs. 

a) Pathway Express Entry Manitoba

This pathway is for overseas applicants who are eligible through another stream in MPNP, fulfill the criteria for Express Entry, and have a profile active in Express Entry. Candidates must have experience, training, and skills in one of the In-Demand Occupations in Manitoba and a close family link to the province. 

b) Pathway Human Capital 

This pathway is for overseas skilled workers who have experience, training, and skills in one of the In-Demand Occupations in Manitoba. They must also prove the potential to find a job immediately upon arrival to Manitoba. 

International Education Pathway

This pathway is for overseas graduates from Universities and Colleges in Manitoba. Candidates applying for a nomination from MPNP are not required to work for 6 months in their field now. It is divided into 3 sub-categories: 

a) Pathway Career Employment 

The Pathway Career Employment under IES expedites nomination for overseas graduates in STEM subjects  Mathematics, Engineering, Technology, and Science. Their internships must contribute to the innovation factor. Overseas graduate applicants who have a job offer in one of the In-Demand Occupations in Manitoba are not required to work for 6 months before the application. 

b) Pathway Graduate Internship 

The Pathway Graduate Internship is aimed at Doctorate and Post-graduate Degree holders. Their nomination is expedited through internships that contribute to innovation in industries in Manitoba. Graduates with completed Elevate or Mitacs Accelerate internships can submit applications upon graduation. Having a job offer is not obligatory. 

c) Pathway Student Entrepreneur 

The Pathway Student Entrepreneur is for overseas graduates from institutions in Manitoba who aim to launch a business in the province. The applicants are required to fulfill the Business Performance Agreement conditions before receiving a nomination for Canada PR Visa. 

Business Investor Pathway

The Pathway Business Investor is for qualified overseas entrepreneurs and business investors. Initially, the candidates are offered a Provisional Work Visa and are required to have the ability and intention for launching or buying a business in Manitoba after arrival and within 2 years. It is divided into 2 sub-categories: 

a) Pathway Entrepreneur

This pathway is for candidates who wish to start a business in the province and are initially offered a Provisional Work Visa. Nomination for Canada PR Visa is offered to them after the establishment of a business that fulfills the Business Performance Agreement conditions. Candidates who start a business outside of Winnipeg are offered priority. 

b) Pathway Farm Investor

This pathway is for candidates who wish to start and manage a farm in rural regions of Manitoba. They are initially offered a Provisional Work Visa. Nomination for Canada PR Visa is offered to them after the establishment of a business that fulfills the Business Performance Agreement conditions.

How to calculate points for MPNP?

Manitoba chooses and nominates qualified candidates for arriving in the province and residing permanently based on the points system. The candidates who secure the required minimum points in the Manitoba immigration Points Calculator can apply for Canada PR Visa after obtaining the Certificate of Provincial Nomination. 

The candidates are first required to score 60 points out of 100 points to become eligible for applying under the MPNP category Skilled Worker. They are allotted points based on the below 5 factors: 


Language Proficiency: Factor 1

 First language (French or English)
20Level 8 CLB or higher / innate speaker
18Level 7 CLB
16Level 6 CLB
14Level 5 CLB
12Level 4 CLB
0Level 3 CLB or lesser
 Second language (French or English)
5Level 5 CLB or higher


Age: Factor 2

418 years
619 years
820 years
1021 to 45 years
846 years
647 years
448 years
249 years
050 years or older


Work Experience (in the previous 5 years): Factor 3

0Less than 1 year
81 year
102 years
123 years
154 or more years
PointsEducation: Factor 4
25Doctorate or Master’s
232 post-secondary programs of each minimum 2 years
201 post-secondary program of 2 years duration or longer
141 post-secondary program of 1-year duration
14Certification in Trade
0Nil post-secondary education


Adaptability: Factor 5

20Close relation in Manitoba
20ITA obtained from MPNP through exploratory visit or recruitment mission
12Prior work experience in Manitoba (minimum 6 six months)
12Finished 2-years or more duration Post-secondary program in Manitoba
10Completed post-secondary program of at least one year in Manitoba
Finished minimum 1-year duration Post-secondary program in Manitoba
10Distant relative or Friend residing in Manitoba
5Bonus: Intent to live outside of Winnipeg

Manitoba PNP Points Calculator

Ranking Points

Assessment Factor

 Language Proficiency: Factor 1
 First Official Language
25 for each bandLevel 8 CLB or higher
22 for each bandLevel 7 CLB
20 for each bandLevel 6 CLB 6
17 for each bandLevel 5 CLB
12 for each bandLevel 4 CLB
0Level 3 CLB or lower
 Second Official Language
25Level 5 CLB or greater (overall)
125Factor 1 Maximum Points
 Age: Factor 2
2018 years
3019 years
4020 years
7521 to 45 years
4046 years
3047 years
2048 years
1049 years
050 years or older
75Factor 2 Maximum Points
 Work Experience: Factor 3
0Fewer than 1 year
40One  year
50Two years
60Three years
75Four or more years
100Completely endorsed by the provincial authorizing body
175Factor 3 Maximum Points
 Education: Factor 4
125or Doctorate or Masters degree
1152 post-secondary programs of each minimum 2 years
1101 post-secondary program of 3 years duration or longer
1001 post-secondary program of 2 years duration
701 post-secondary program of 1-year duration
70Certificate of Trade
0Nil official post-secondary instruction
125Factor 4 Maximum Points
 Adaptability: Factor 5
200Close relation in Manitoba
100Earlier employment experience in Manitoba (6 or more months)
100Finished a post-secondary program in Manitoba (Two or more years)
50Finished a post-secondary program in Manitoba (1 year)
50Distant relative or Close friend in Manitoba
 Manitoba Demand
500Continuing work in Manitoba for 6 or more months with a long-standing job offer from the same employer
500ITA  through a Strategic Initiative
 Regional Development
50Immigration location in Manitoba is out of Winnipeg
500Factor 5 Maximum Points
 Risk Assessment: Factor 6
0Close relation in the alternative province and nil close relation in MB
-100Employment experience in the alternative province
-100Education in the alternative province
0Earlier immigration application to the alternative province
-200Factor 6 Maximum Points
 Maximum Overall Points: 1000

What are the occupations In-demand in Manitoba?

The MPNP is based on the requirements of the employers in Manitoba and is locally driven. It chooses experienced and trained overseas workers who have the skills demanded by the labor market locally. The MPNP marks Occupation In-Demand for better identification of candidates in the MPNP pool who can cater to the needs of employers in Manitoba. The MPNP In-demand Occupations list is regularly updated. 

Several occupations listed under the in-demand list are restricted to exact MPNP skilled streams. Candidates are required to fulfill the precise requirements and criteria for one of the distinct sub-streams listed under each immigration pathway. During EOI – Expression of Interest draws, priority will be offered to candidates employed in an in-demand occupation. 

Canadian Language Benchmark Levels

The levels of CLB specified in the list of In-Demand Occupations are the threshold levels for all streams under Skilled Worker. Nevertheless, some pathways can specify higher requirements for eligibility. 

For instance, individuals applying through the IES – International Education pathway need a minimum level of CLB 7 in all 4 skill areas (reading, listening, speaking, and writing) irrespective of their occupation.

How Candid Immigration Can Help You?

The MPNP streams have a high rate of refusal when it comes to applications that are not prepared and filed properly as the standards are very high. The processes and the involved documentation for successfully obtaining the Canada PR Visa through PNPs are normally complex necessitating assistance from experts. 

We at Nationwide Visas have assisted thousands of individuals to successfully immigrate to Canada with their families through the Federal Express Entry Program. Our qualified and experienced Immigration Experts are equipped with the proficiency to accurately assess your case and advise the most suitable course of action for best serving your needs. 

Candid has accumulated a treasure of goodwill and exhaustive experience over the last 16+ years in this dynamic immigration industry and has constantly facilitated a wide range of aspiring immigrants to achieve their overseas goals. 

We are among the top-most brands in the Immigration sector being a highly reliable immigration firm with an outstanding track record of several thousand of triumphant PR Visa applications. The following major factors make us the Best Immigration Consultant for a Canada PR Visa: 

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